- Test Method for Determining Open Assembly Time of Carpet Mastic Adhesives 毛毡胶粘剂开启使用时间检测试验方法
- There is a strategy to tackle this issue by increasing the ACK assembly time. 对于这一问题,可以通过一种增大ACK封装时间的汇聚方案来解决。
- This provides minimal assembly time, high precision and no material cut-off waste in the milling phase. 这提供最低限度的装配时间,精度高,没有材料停产废物铣削阶段。
- Analyze and balance the direct labor of the assembly lines. Define and stipulate the standard assembly times for the assembly operation. 分析及平衡组装生产线的工人数量;确定组装的标准时间.
- Research on the Assembly Time of Garden Pump 园艺泵装配作业时间研究
- cut costs by shortening assembly time 缩短总装时间,以减少耗费
- The wireless sensor network will play an important role in SHM for its high density, low-power consumption, less assembling time and locating nodes nimbly. 无线传感器网络以其高密度、低功耗、低维修费用、易于安装、布点灵活等优点在健康监测中将发挥重要作用。
- Pea pods burst open when overripe. 豌豆过熟就会爆裂。
- Open tender for purchasing power transformer. 公开招标购买电力运输设备。
- We bivouacked on the open plain. 我们在开阔的原野上露营。
- Thank you. How long will this offer be open? 谢谢。这个报价的有效期多长?
- Open the shutter and see what the weather is like. 打开百叶窗,看看外面的天气如何。
- We can predetermine the future assemble time precisely in the early statues of project process.And give basic support to facility layout, manpower distribution and production capacity utilize. 通过一套国际先进的标准化的工时预定体系,在项目早期即准确公正地预定出未来生产工时,为生产布局,人员配置等提供依据,为有效的利用产能服务。
- The fresh air blew in from the open window. 新鲜空气从开着的窗户吹进来。
- The shop is open from this day onwards. 该店从今天起开始营业。
- Please open a window to allow the air to circulate. 打开窗子让空气流通。
- This drawer is too tight for me to open it. 这抽屉太紧了,我打不开。
- You may open a current account at a bank. 你可以在银行开立一个活期帐户。
- I asked the man opposite if he would open the door. 我问对面的人他愿意不愿意开门。